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Labour market

Natural scientists have key competence in the transition towards a more sustainable society. The pandemic and climate change are crises that remind us that we have no time to waste. The Sustainable Development Goals continue to be our most important task list and pinpoint the competence required.

The survey of the labour market for natural scientists highlights seven key sectors. Most natural scientists work in the life science sector, where health care is an important subsector. It is also one of the most research and development intensive sectors in the labour market.


7 key sectors for natural scientists

  1. Life science including health care
  2. Education
  3. Digital
  4. Public administration
  5. Environment
  6. Food including agriculture and veterinary care
  7. Forestry

Digitalisation and an increased demand for advanced B2B services are two pervading trends in the labour market for natural scientists. Consequently, we foresee heightened demand for competence relevant to these areas. Sectors aiming to increase their innovative capacity will employ a greater number of postgraduates.

It is worth noting that there is an increased demand for broad competence. By adding IT, mathematics, sales and marketing or regulatory skills to their CVs, natural scientists can increase their value and attractiveness in the labour market. Our list of professions with bright prospects underlines this.


Professions of the future for natural scientists

  1. Biomedical scientists
  2. Manager
  3. Clinical Research Associate
  4. Data scientist
  5. Dietician
  6. IT graduates
  7. Key Account Manager
  8. Consultant
  9. Science teacher
  10. Market Access Manager
  11. Medical Science Liaison
  12. Project manager
  13. Regulatory Affairs Specialist
  14. Natural scientist and the pandemic
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